John Linwood Grant – Interview

The first interview on this blog, with John Linwood Grant, writer and editor of weird fiction, sharer of space with lurchers, and creator of several strange characters who live and move and have their being in and around the London of Sherlock Holmes (who also makes his appearance in several of his works). He has also reviewed a book of mine and interviewed me – and in the interest of balance it is only fair to let him present his side of the story.

Continue reading “John Linwood Grant – Interview”

Carnacki the Ghost-Finder

William Hope-Hodgson created the character of Thomas Carnacki, who investigated possible supernatural hauntings and the like in a series of adventures – all too few, given the author’s skill in producing atmospheres of horror and mystery, together with rational explanations of some of the phenomena. Continue reading “Carnacki the Ghost-Finder”